Forest resources

Szprotawa Forest District includes 18 030.38 ha of forests. Most of the forest habitats located within the Forest District are mixed forests with Pine as the most common species. Average age of forest resources is 58 years and average yield is 237 cubic metres per 1 ha.

Forest cultivation

The most fundamental aim of forest cultivation is to preserve and enrich the existing forests (restocking) and to create new forests (forestation), with respect for natural conditions and processes. Forest cultivation includes collecting and keeping tree seeds, growing seedlings at nursery farms as well as starting, maintaining and protecting forest crops and tree stands.

Forest protection

Knowledge of natural processes occurring in the environment and controlling the condition of the forest enable foresters to diagnose any hazards that can have negative impact on the forest in advance. Every year efforts are made to protect sustainability of the forest and improve its natural resistance to harmful factors.

Forest use

Forest use means making use of its resources – acquiring timber, harvesting fruits of the forest, plants and their parts for pharmaceutical industry, selling Christmas trees, mining and many others. Foresters provide the society with access to all those resources without endangering of their sustainability.

Forest management

Forest economy of the State Forests is executed in accordance with forest management plans prepared for Forest District Inspectorates every 10 years. Forest Management Plan is executed in accordance with instructions published by the State Forests.


Forests are inhabited by about 60% of all 618 species of vertebrate living in Poland. Development of civilization has upset the ancient equilibrium and rules that govern forest ecosystems, which also affects the life of forest animals. This is why their number, welfare and activities aimed at preventing damage caused by animals are regulated by Polish and EU law.

Supervision of non-state forests

Within the area of Szprotawa Forest District there are also forests managed by other owners.

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70-lecie Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 w Szprotawie

70-lecie Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 w Szprotawie

26 maja 2017 roku z okazji 70-lecia Szkoły Podstawowej nr 2 w Szprotawie mali i duzi bawili się na Leśnym Dniu Dziecka organizowanym przez Nadleśnictwo Szprotawa.

Miło było widzieć zadowolone z otrzymanych nagród dziecięce buzie z których część została fantazyjnie pomalowana przez leśników w kąciku plastycznym.

Uśmiech oraz słowa podziękowania młodszych i starszych przyrodników w stronę pracowników Nadleśnictwa oznaczać mogły tylko jedno - zabawa na Leśnym Dniu Dziecka była przednia!

Pracownicy naszego Nadleśnictwa prowadzili rozmaite gry, rozwijające ciało i umysł, Leśne Koło Fortuny w którym każdy mógł wykazać się znajomością przyrodniczej wiedzy. Myśliwi z zamiłowania a nasi pracownicy przekazywali wiedzę w jaki sposób prawidłowo rozpoznawać tropy zwierząt.

Szkolenie z pierwszej pomocy przedmedycznej.

Tekst: Henryk Hajdul
Zdjęcia: Małgorzata Mrozewska